intentional pursuits training - dr. dimitra smith - be what you do


Meet Dr. Dimitra J. Smith – Author, Speaker, Educator, Visionary, STEAM Preparation Coach

Dr. Dimitra J. Smith is a trailblazer in the realm of powerful career pursuits, inspiring change through her innovative “BEwhatyouDO” philosophy. With a rich background in education, preparation and career exploration, Dr. Smith brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to her mission. She brings an arsenal of tools to assist you to “BEwhatyouDo” by focusing on what you enjoy doing and fulfilling your interests and purpose. Discover the driving force behind her vision and how she is reshaping the conversation around careers.

She has written and published in major peer-reviewed journals and is ready to serve you. Dr. Dimitra Smith is a sought-out presenter for her experience and expertise in leadership, career fulfillment, and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) education and preparation.

Dr. Smith has presented at numerous regional, national, and international conferences and events. Dr. Smith is also a children’s book author and has written a number of books focused on educating children on STEAM related careers and opportunities. She has edited and co-edited educational books on the future of higher education.

Dr. Dimitra J. Smith has prepared the groundwork for you and has established a strong foundation by graduating from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff with a Psychology undergraduate degree. She earned her Master’s Degree at Iowa State University in Educational Leadership and Policy, with an Emphasis in Higher Education/Student Affairs. She also earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration and Community College Leadership from Iowa State University. She is prepared to set you on an accelerated path to career fulfillment.

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